
1. Panels
Panels consist of a convener, 3-4 presenters, and if possible, a discussant. Double sessions of at least six presenters are allowed, but not preferred. In an effort to remain open for discussion and avoid pre-packed propositions, all panels should be open to people outside from the host institution/project of the convenor.

Submission format: (1) title, (2) convener (name, organization & email address), (3) brief description and explanation of the chosen format, max ½ page, (4) brief description of panel, max ½ page, (5) single session (1 x 90 min.): 3-4 presenters; double session (2 x 90 min.): 6 presenters, (6) optional: discussant, (7) submission proposal in Word format.

2. Roundtables
Roundtables address current issues and new developments, and consist of a convener and max. 6 participants who prepare brief statements followed by audience discussion.

Submission format: (1) title, (2) convener (name, organization & email address), (3) brief description and explanation of the chosen format, max ½ page, (4) explain in ½ page urgency of topic, (5) max 6 presenters, (6) submission proposal in Word format.

3. Laboratories
Laboratories are closed meetings for scholars to develop innovative cross-disciplinary plans. Laboratories run for half a day and consist of a convener and max 8 participants. Towards the end of the conference conveners will present the results of these meetings to a larger audience.

Submission format: (1) title, (2) convener ((name, organization & email address), (3) brief description and explanation of the chosen format, max ½ page, (4) explain in ½ page plans for discussion and collaboration (in Word format), (5) max 8 participants, (6) submission proposal in Word format.

4. Screenings with academic discussion
Screenings show documentaries or artistic movies on various topics regarding Southeast Asia accompanied by an academic presentation or discussion which might include engaging with the filmmaker.

Submission format: (1) title, (2) convener (name, organization & email address), (3) explain in ½ page urgency of topic, (4) discussion format and participants, (5) submission proposal in Word format.

5. Other formats
Conveners are encouraged to submit proposals for events adopting alternative formats, such as shorter presentations based on pre-circulated papers followed by a roundtable conversation, book forums, or any productive alternative to the standard panel format.

Please note that each participant is allowed to present only one paper in one panel. Performing additional roles such as convener, round table member and/or discussant is possible, but please consider that they may cause organisational difficulties.